作者:Andrea Padoan, Chiara Cosma, Laura Sciacovelli, Diego Faggian and Mario Plebani*
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated to COVID-19, represents an emerging health threat world- wide as, it has continued to spread rapidly. The clinical spectrum of the disease varies from mild to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Moreover, many patients can be asymptomatic, thus increasing the uncertainty of the diagnostic work-up. Laboratory tests play a pivotal role in the diagnosis and management of COVID-19, the current gold standard being real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) on respiratory tract specimens. However, the diagnostic accuracy of rRT-PCR depends on many pre- analytical and analytical variables. The measurement of specific COVID-19 antibodies (both IgG and IgM) should serve as an additional, non-invasive tool for disease detection and management.
方法:参考临床和实验室标准化协会(CLSI)EP15-A3方案评估深圳市新产业生物医学工程股份有限公司MAGLUMITM 2000Plus仪器对于检测 2019 新型冠状病毒抗体(IgM和IgG)的不精密度。线性验证与回收率试验通过不同比例地混合高、低浓度血清样本来评估。通过连续收集COVID-19阳性患者不同时段(从
Methods: The imprecision of the MAGLUMITM2000 Plus 2019-nCov IgM and IgG assays (Snibe, Shenzhen, China) was assessed by adopting the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) EP15-A3 protocol. Linearity of dilution and recovery was evaluated by means of mixes of high-level pools and low-level pools of serum samples. Immunoglobulin time kinetics were evaluated using a series of serum samples, repeatedly collected from COVID-19-positive patients at different times, from
Results: Findings at the analytical validation of the assay carried out according to the CLSI EP15-A3 guideline demonstrated that imprecision and repeatability were acceptable (repeatability was
结论:本研究结果证明了MAGLUMI 2000Plus化学发光免疫分析仪对COVID-19患者血清中特异性IgM和IgG的检测是可靠有效的,并得到COVID-19抗体(IgM和IgG)动力学的有价值的数据。这些数据提示在COVID-19感染患者的诊断和治疗中,合理利用特异性抗体的检测是必须的。
Conclusions: The findings of this study demonstrate the validity of the MAGLUMI 2000 Plus CLIA assay for the measurement of specific IgM and IgG in sera of COVID-19 patients, and for obtaining valuable data on the kinetics of both (IgM and IgG) COVID-19 antibodies. These data represent a pre-requisite for the appropriate utilization of specific antibodies for the diagnosis and management of COVID-19 patients.
性能分析,抗体动力学,COVID-19,COVID IgG 和IgM抗体,实时逆转录聚合酶链式反应,SARS-CoV-2。
analytical performances; antibody kinetics; COVID-19; COVID IgG and IgM; rRT-PCR; SARS-CoV-2.
Coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated to COVID-19, is an emerging health threat and, on March 11, 2020, the Director- General of the World Health Organization (WHO) defined the spread of COVID-19 as a pandemic[1]. The responsible pathogen, a virus belonging to the Coronaviridae family, has been finally defined as “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2) for its high sequence identity (i.e. up to 80%) with the homologous virus that caused the 2003 SARS outbreak (i.e. SARS-CoV-1) [2].
After initial reports of disease outbreak in China, COVID-19 has spread worldwide, cases being identified in virtually all countries worldwide [3]. In Italy, after the first patient tested positive on admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) in Codogno Hospital (Lodi, Lombardia), within 14 days, numerous other cases of COVID-19, including a substantial proportion of critically ill patients, were diagnosed in the surrounding area. A second cluster was simultaneously identified in the Veneto area and, since then, the number of COVID-19 patients has rapidly increased, mainly in Northern Italy, but all regions of the country have reported having patients being infected [4]. The clinical spectrum of SARS-CoV-2 infection can vary from mild up to onset of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Moreover, many patients can be asymptomatic, thus increasing the uncertainty of the diagnostic work-up [5]. The timely and accurate diagnosis of COVID-19 infection is the cornerstone of appropriate treatment for patients, and crucial for limiting further spread of the virus, particularly as asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic subjects may be responsible for virus transmission [6]. Therefore, testing assumes critical relevance for ensuring an effective response to COVID-19 outbreak. The current gold standard for the etiological diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection is (real-time) reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) on respiratory tract specimens[7–9]. However, the quality of rRT-PCR testing remains of paramount importance in providing accurate and interpretable results, its diagnostic accuracy depending on many factors, including pre-analytical variables such as sample types and collection, transportation and storage conditions, as well as the quality and consistency of the PCR assays being used [10]. The collection of nasopharyngeal or throat swab specimens, a relatively invasive and almost uncomfortable procedure, can cause coughing and sneezing, thus generating aerosol, which constitutes a potential health hazard for healthcare workers [11]. The production of specific antibodies, particularly anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgM and IgG, should be used as an additional non-invasive method for detecting the disease, especially in patients who present late, with a low viral load. However, the timing of requests for serological assays and the interpretation of antibody results are pre-requisites of crucial importance in their efficacy. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to report an analytical validation of a novel chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), available on an automatic platform, and to describe the kinetics of IgM and IgG antibodies in COVID-19 patients.
仪器:高通量(180测试/小时)Maglumi 2000Plus全自动化学发光免疫分析仪(深圳市新产业生物医学工程股份有限公司,中国)
2019-nCoV IgM(cut off值为1.0 AU/mL),灵敏度78.65%,特异性97.5%。
2019-nCoV IgG(cut off值为1.1 AU/mL),灵敏度91.21%,特异性97.3%。
The MAGLUMI™ 2000 Plus (New Industries Biomedical Engineering Co., Ltd [Snibe], Shenzhen, China) is a chemiluminescent analytical system (CLIA), featuring high throughput (up to 180 tests/h). According to the manufacturer’s inserts (271 2019-nCoV IgM, V2.0, 2020-03 and 272 2019-nCoV IgG, V1.2, 2020-02), the 2019-nCoV IgM cut-off is 1.0 AU/mL, while the 2019-nCoV IgG cut-off is 1.1 AU/mL. Manufacturers claimed that the calculated clinical sensitivities of IgM and IgG were 78.65% and 91.21%, respectively, while specificities of IgM and IgG were 97.50% and 97.3%, respectively.
According to the procedure recommended by Xiongyan et al. [12], viral activity could be inactivated before antibody determination by heating serum samples to 56 °C for 30 min. To ascertain whether 56 °C dry heat in the primary sample tube containing separator gel caused analytical interferences with respect to heated secondary aliquoted serum, we undertook an experimental series of comparisons in a total of 29 serum samples. In particular, for each primary sample tube with separator gel, an aliquot was prepared before viral inactivation, after which the primary sample tubes and the aliquots were heated together, and IgM and IgG results compared.
Precision was evaluated by using three human serum pools of samples with different values. Precision estimations were obtained by means of quintuplicate measurements of aliquots of the same pool, performed for a total of 5 consecutive days, following the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) EP15-A3 protocol [13]. The precision data claimed by the manufacturer were verified using three human serum pools, and specifications were estimated with the EP5-A3 protocol [14], by considering repeatability, and between-day variability.The results obtained for precision were compared to those claimed by the manufacturer using the procedure recommended by EP15-A3. Precision estimates were in accordance with the repeatability and intermediate precision conditions specified in the international vocabulary of metrology (VIM, JCGM 100:2012) for precision estimation within a 5-day period.

Recovery was assessed using one pool of samples for IgM (2.18 AU/mL) and another pool for IgG (2.57 AU/mL), prepared using human serum samples. These pools were mixed with different amounts of low-level pools of samples (0.27 AU/mL for IgM and 0.093 AU/mL for IgG) in order to obtain different theoretical concentrations of IgM and IgG. Recovery was estimated according to the following formula:
Linearity was assessed by using a series of mixes of four sample pools, prepared with different IgM and IgG values, using serial dilution, as specified in the CLSI EP06 A: 2003 guideline (paragraph 4.3.1). In brief, two serum pools with a measured IgM antibody Linearity was assessed by using a series of mixes of four sample pools, prepared with different IgM and IgG values, using serial dilution, as specified in the CLSI EP06 A: 2003 guideline (paragraph 4.3.1). In brief, two serum pools with a measured IgM antibody value of 21.4 AU/mL and 2.27 AU/mL (high-level pools) were serially diluted with a low IgM antibody value serum pool (0.33 AU/mL). Likewise, two serum pools with a measured IgG antibody value of 73.72 AU/mL and 2.65 AU/mL (high-level pools) were serially diluted with two low IgG antibody value serum pools (0.086 AU/mL and 0.107 AU/mL, respectively). All measurements were performed in triplicate.
匿名收集37例在3月18日-3月26日期间住院的新冠病毒阳性(通过rRT-PCR检测鼻咽拭子样本确诊)的患者的实验室常规检测之后的剩余血清样本,分装冻存在-80°C。检测时所有样本同批复融并加热灭活。样本通过MAGLUMI 2000Plus化学发光系统检测2019-nCov IgM和2019-nCov IgG。本研究一共通过37个病人收集了87个样本,其中10个患者各抽取了一次样本,6个患者各抽取了两次样本,19个患者各抽取了三次样本,每患者各抽取了4次样本。
Through the time period between March 18 and March 26, from hospital wards with hospitalized COVID-19-positive (confirmed by positive rRT-PCR using nasopharyngeal swab samples) patients, a series of residual serum samples from routine laboratory testing were anonymized, aliquoted and stored at −80 °C. For the analyses, all samples were thawed and heat inactivated (see above) in batch. Samples were then evaluated using the MAGLUMI 2019-nCov IgM and 2019-nCov IgG (CLIA) systems, during the same analytical session. A total of 87 samples were collected from the 37 patients included in the study (one sample from each of 10 patients; two from each of six patients; three from each of 19 patients; four from each of two patients).
The possibility to obtain viral activity inactivation in samples collected into serum blood tubes with a gel separator was assessed using Bland-Altman analyses. For evaluation of precision, ANOVA was used to estimate repeatability and intermediate precision. An in-house developed R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) script for implementing the CLSI EP15-A3 protocol was used for ANOVA and for calculating the upper verification limit. For time kinetic evaluation, the following strategy was used: for each sample included in the study, the collection date was matched with the corresponding date of symptom onset (i.e. fever) and antibodies measured. Using these data, the following time frames were defined (d, days):
用Bland-Altman一致性评价方法分析数据,结果显示直接加热灭活分离胶采血管后检测与分离出血清样本加热灭活后检测的IgM 和 IgG的结果相似(IgM 和IgG的p=0.122和0.548)。(补充图1)
Bland-Altman analyses findings demonstrated that the use of a heated primary tube with a gel separator and heated aliquoted serum generated comparable IgM and IgG results (p = 0.122 and p = 0.548, respectively) (Supplementary Figure 1).
Table 1 reports repeatability and intermediate precision, calculated using 5-day analysis according to the procedure suggested in CLSI EP-15-A3 [13], compared with the precision value claimed by the manufacturer (obtained using three samples at different concentrations measured in duplicate at three sites on 5 days, with three runs per day, according to the EP5-A3 protocol) [14]. The results obtained for the low and medium values were satisfactory, being lower than those reported by the manufacturer, while at the highest concentration they did not correspond with the manufacturer’s specifications, also after UVL calculation, conducted as suggested by CLSI EP15-A3 [13].

a参照CLSI/EP5-A3要求检测所得结果 b试剂盒说明书里的精密度厂家声明值。
As a well-validated method was not available for comparison purposes, the recovery study was implemented to estimate possible proportional systematic error of the method. Recovery was calculated in ranges of values covering IgM and IgG cut-offs. Our findings, as shown in Table 2, highlight overestimation for IgM (value range, 103%–123%), overestimation (103%–112%) for higher values and underestimation (63%–93%) for lower values in the case of IgG.
用Maglumi 2000Plus化学发光免疫分析仪测得的IgM 和 IgG的线性数据结果如图1。除了明显高于临界值的样本检测结果偏离线性,其余所有的样本检测结果都符合线性要求。
Linearity data for IgM and IgG antibody MAGLUMI™ 2000 Plus CLIA are summarized in Figure 1. All tested mixes of sample pools deviated from linearity only at levels significantly higher than the IgM and IgG cut-off.

图1  IgM和IgG线性结果
Figure 2 shows the kinetic results for the study patients at different days from fever onset, divided into time categories. Specifically, the graph shows average values and corresponding standard errors of IgM and IgG for each time category. Overlapping time kinetic trends are shown using
spline interpolation. Table 3 shows the number (and percentage) of positive test results of IgM and IgG for each time category. After the 11th day, all patients were found to be positive for IgG (100%), while the higher positivity of IgM (88%) was achieved only after the 13th day.

图2  IgM和IgG抗体的时间动力学(37名患者)
表3 不同时间检测患者2019-nCoV IgM和2019-nCoV IgG的阳性率统计

The rapid spread of COVID-19 represents a major challenge for all national healthcare systems worldwide. Although the degree of infection severity may vary from mild to severe, a considerable percentage of diseased patients need sub-intensive and intensive care with respiratory support, thus causing a real healthcare emergency [15]. Moreover, an increasingly serious issue is the frequency of COVID-19 infection in healthcare workers. In a report from the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19, as many as 11,251 healthcare workers had become infected with COVID-19 by April 3, 2020, with a total of 112,401 cases of COVID-19 and 13,241 associated (11.7%) deaths [16].
Therefore, not only physicians, but also scientists, policymakers and administrators of all national healthcare systems, are focusing on the ongoing discussion on diagnostic tests for COVID-19 disease, even if only a few of those already developed have been extensively validated for clinical use, because this process is inherently timeconsuming[17].
The current diagnostic method involves the identification of viral RNA in respiratory samples by means of rRT-PCR, though several pre-analytical and analytical limitations have recently been described to plague this technique [18]. First, it was demonstrated that the sensitivity of this test not only depends on the stage of disease (i.e. collection time), but also on the severity [19]. The overall throughput of RNA tests is also limited because it requires high workload, skillful operators for sample preparation and testing, and also requires expensive instrumentation and important biosafety measures. Therefore, less expensive and easy implementable serological tests are needed for detecting 2019-nCov antibodies, not only for diagnosing COVID-19, but also for characterizing the course of disease, as well as for epidemiological and vaccine evaluation studies.
因此,我们在MAGLUMI™2000 Plus化学发光免疫分析仪上评估了2019-nCoV IgM和IgG化学发光免疫分析试剂盒的分析性能以及新冠肺炎患者体内抗体出现的时间动力学特征。我们研究的第一个方面是使用带分离胶的血清试管作为原始样本直接进行病毒灭活,而无需制备等量的次级样本。该策略对于操作员安全以及有效的工作量管理极为重要。我们使用分离胶管对29份血清样品进行IgM和IgG检测,结果证实分离胶管适合用于病毒干燥加热灭活后的抗体检测。随后,我们利用EP15-A3文件方案评估了该分析方法的不精密度。
We have hence carried out a study to investigate the analytical performance of the MAGLUMI™ 2000 Plus 2019-nCoV IgM and IgG chemiluminescence immunoassay and the kinetics of appearance of antibodies in COVID-19 patients. The first aspect we investigated was the possibility of using serum tubes with a gel separator as primary samples for direct viral inactivation, without preparing secondary aliquots. This strategy is extremely important for operator safety as well as for effective workload management. The analyses performed on a series of 29 consecutive serum samples with a gel separator confirmed that this type of sampling tube could be suitably used for IgM and IgG measurement after dry heat for viral inactivation. Then, we assessed the imprecision profile of the assay using the CLSI EP15-A3 protocol [12].
总体而言,我们的结果表明MAGLUMI™2000 Plus具有很好的检测精密度。IgM和IgG的重复性精密度分别为
Overall, our results show that MAGLUMI™ 2000 Plus has excellent precision characteristics. In fact, repeatability was
为了评价该方法线性范围内检测结果是否与IgM和IgG浓度理论值呈线性关系,从而保证线性范围内检测结果的准确性,我们评估了样本的检测线性。我们使用低值样本和高值样本进行了一系列的连续稀释,制备了不同浓度的样本。结果显示,IgM和IgG浓度在0.5 AU / m L–1.5 AU / m L范围内,检测值与理论值呈现良好的正比例关系,但是在高值样本中,线性关系变差,尤其是对于IgG。对于结果的比较,由于缺乏充分验证过的对比试剂,所以用回收率实验来评估准确度。检测范围覆盖了厂家建议的范围,结果表明IgM略被高估,而IgG在高于1.9AU/mL时被高估,在低于1.9AU/mL时被低估,总体而言,IgM回收率更好,因此,建议同时检测IgM和IgG。
Linearity of dilutions was also assessed, in order to evaluate the ability of the method to provide results directly proportional to the concentration of IgM and IgG in tested samples. We performed a series of serial dilutions using high-value pools diluted in low-value pools. The results obtained showed that within the 1.5 AU/mL–0.5 AU/mL range results are linear for both immunoglobulins, whilst linearity seems worse at the highest values, especially for IgG. As a well-validated method for comparing results is currently unavailable, we also performed recovery studies. The range inspected covered the range of values suggested by the manufacturer, and results showed that IgM was slightly overestimated, whereas IgG was overestimated for values above 1.9 AU/mL and slightly underestimated at values below 1.9 AU/mL. Overall, better recovery results were found for IgM, so simultaneous assessment of both IgM and IgG may be advisable.
我们在先前建议的时间间隔内还评估了IgM和IgG抗体产生的时间动力学,结果显示在出现发热症状后,IgM和IgG在短时间内均迅速升高。参考到厂家建议的阳性截断值(IgM为1.0 AU / mL,IgG为1.1 AU / mL),可以认为在发热症状出现后6-7天,IgM和IgG会有显著升高。这些发现与近期的一些其他报道一致。例如,有研究人员使用内部研发的ELISA方法,发现在症状发作5天后,几乎所有患者中都可以检测到抗病毒抗体的显著升高,而这一时期通常被认为是感染早期到晚期的过渡。同样,还有研究者使用丽珠诊断的ELISA抗体检测试剂盒,发现在症状发作后7天IgM和IgG显着增加,特别是在重症患者中。表3详细描述了IgM和IgG抗体产生的动力学特征,结果显示IgG需要至少在感染12天后才能达到100%的敏感性,而在整个研究周期间,IgM的最高阳性率为88%。有趣的是,有三名确诊患者的IgM值分别为0.811 AU / mL,0.909 AU / mL和0.863 AU / mL,均低于厂家声称的截断值。这表明,通过进一步优化IgM的cut-off值,对于提高IgM检测的敏感性是很有必要的。
The time kinetics of IgM and IgG was also evaluated during a time interval previously recommended [19]. Our results showed that both IgM and IgG rapidly increased after the onset of fever. Considering the cut-offs suggested by the manufacturer (i.e. 1.0 AU/mL for IgM and 1.1 AU/mL for IgG), the immunoglobulin rise could be considered as significant 6–7 days after fever onset. These findings are in agreement with those recently reported by others. For example, using an ELISA in-house developed method, Zhang et al. found that the increase of antibody against the virus was clearly visible in almost all patients after 5 days of symptom onset, a time period that was usually considered as a transition from an early to a late period of infection [19]. Likewise, using a commercial ELISA kit from Livzon Diagnostics (China), Tan et al. found a marked increase of immunoglobulins 7 days after the onset of symptoms, particularly in patients with severe disease [20]. Table 3 reports in detail the kinetics of IgM and IgG, showing that IgG requires at least 12 days to attain 100% sensitivity, whilst the highest positive rate achieved for IgM was 88% throughout the study period. Interestingly, three patients had IgM values of 0.811 AU/mL, 0.909 AU/mL and 0.863 AU/mL, thus remaining below the cut-off. This suggests that further cut-off refinement would be necessary for increasing IgM sensitivity.
The present study has some notable limitations. For example, no reliably validated method was available for comparison studies, nor were cross-reactivities of the assays tested. Furthermore, the criterion for assessing the time kinetics of IgM and IgG antibodies was the time of fever onset. We used this symptom because: (a) was available for all patients included in our study; (b) is usually accurately recorded by both patients and physicians; (c) has also been used in many other studies. For example, Lauer et al. estimated that the median incubation period to fever onset was 5.7 days (95% CI: 4.9–6.8 days) for COVID-19 patients [5]. Another aspect could be that IgM and IgG kinetics shall be assessed over a longer period in order to estimate the entire trend of humoral immune response to COVID-19 infection.
总之,这项研究的结果表明MAGLUMI™2000 Plus 化学发光免疫分析系统是评估新冠病毒肺炎患者免疫反应的可靠的免疫测定方法。我们的结果还证实,同时测量IgM和IgG会对新冠病毒肺炎患者诊断有所帮助,尤其是在早期感染的时候。
In conclusion, the findings of this study show that MAGLUMI™ 2000 Plus CLIA may be a reliable immunoassay for assessing the immunological response in sera of COVID-19 patients. Our results also confirm that simultaneous measurement of IgM and IgG can be helpful, especially from the early phase of infection.